How does the delivery process work?
Our delivery process is extremely seamless, once the order is placed, our products are inspected, packaged and then shipped with our trusted delivery partner.
Our delivery partners then bring the package to you at the earliest possibility. In case, they are unable to reach your provided address or at a suitable time, they will contact you to resolve the issue.

What is the range of locations to which MasterChow ships their products?
MasterChow ships throughout India!

My order has been shipped. Now how can I track it?
Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email and whatsapp message with the details of the tracking number and the courier company that is processing your order. You can track the status of your package 12 hours after your order is dispatched from our warehouse. Our shipping partners are Shipyaari for pan india deliveries, and Zippee for select pincodes in cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune and Kolkata.

What is the estimated delivery time?
We usually dispatch most orders within 1-2 business days (excluding Sundays and public holidays) and should reach you within 3-6 working days depending upon your location in India.

Are there any shipping charges applicable on my order?
We have FREE shipping for all orders above Rs.599 and a flat Rs.99 charge is applied to all orders below Rs.599.
COD Charges - none! :)